
Founded Febuary 1917

The Bay Village Women’s Club and Foundation is an organization founded to serve the community through support and donations to various civic organizations and projects, award scholarships to worthy high school seniors, and provide programs and interest groups for its members to enjoy.

WHO . . .

Membership is open to women of Bay Village and surrounding communities.

WHAT . . .

The Bay Village Women’s Club is an organization dedicated to promoting the cultural, social and civic activities in our community. The Foundation is a charitable organization as per the Internal Revenue Code and all donations are tax deductible.

WHEN . . .

Get-togethers are usually the second Thursday of most months and include an outside speaker on various topics or entertainment.

WHERE . . .

Meetings are held at the Bay Village Library or Community Room at the Police Station and at special luncheon or private club locations.

WHY . . .

We socialize, develop friendships, keep up to date about the community of Bay Village, share common interests, and develop new interests. Our members help with the Club’s main fundraiser - the Annual Antiques Show held in March. They also sell memorabilia with Bay Village logos - Afghans, Cookbooks, Playing Cards, Magnets, and Historic Building Miniatures.


Almost $500,000 has been awarded in scholarships to Bay High School Seniors and nearly $300,000 has been donated to various community organizations such as BayArts, Dwyer Senior Center, Huntington Playhouse, Lake Erie Nature and Science Center, Bay Village Historical Society, Bay School projects, Bay Library and many more.


Many interest groups are available for you to socialize and pursue your interests. These include bridge, needlecraft, women’s gourmet, evening couple’s gourmet, the out-to-lunch bunch, adverturers and others. We also tour area attractions.


We welcome you to join us for a delightful afternoon of socializing, refreshments and an interesting program. For further information, including membership at $25 per year, please contact Darin 440-871-4209 or Nancy 440-334-7539.